Liam Neeson!! For some reason I'm terribly pleased everytime Liam Neeson is in a movie and thats why I like the phantom menace (+ darth maul - the rest of it), and Liam Neeson is awesome in this movie bc he plays Liam Neeson. I really like Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow but I think between him, joker, and bane, scarecrow is the worst villain of the trilogy. I don't have much to say on Batman Begins bc I like the other 2 movies in the trilogy so much more, but this movie is also very good it's just not as Batman ® as the other 2 movies since it's busy like introducing the characters and shit. Even though the token woman in this Christopher Nolan movie is better developed than the one in Inception I have no idea why bruce likes rachel so much. When Christian Bale plays 19 year old Bruce Wayne I'm squeeing and kicking my legs in the air he's so cute.