Morfynnon                               08/26/24 (Mon)15:53:08 No.451268683

>in the bookstore looking for my cell molec textbook

>wander bc i don't want to login on my phone

>find textbook


>stand aghast in front of shelf for minutes

>look at giant line and decide no fucking way i'm paying $200 to stand in line for 45 minutes

>"hey Hey Hey you! you dropped this"

>guy hands me folded textbook receipt i no way dropped

>ugh this isn't mine

>go up to bookstore worker

>"someone gave this to me but it's not mine can i throw it away"

>"yeah i don't know what the fuck that is"

>walk out of bookstore

>realize definite possibility that guy was trying to give me his number and i fucking asked permission to throw it away immediately without even opening it

get fucked subtle guy you won't catch me by dropping garbage on the ground and telling me to pick it up. autism win